Highlighted Work
Case Study: Rehlat 'Brand Campaign'
Marzouq Ali Al-Ghanim
Kuwait’s Parliament Election 2020 Campaign Film
590 Molten Cakes | The Chocolate Bar
When you put goodness into the world, something sweet finds its way to you.

Stand Firm | AJM 24

620 Gooey Hot Chocolate Cakes | TCB 23

Stand Firm | Dabdoob

The Sound of Tea | ALMUNAYES TEA

The Smarter Way | Ottu

What Will 5G Do? | Zain

Passing every test | AJM

Instant Care | Dawi

Get Comfy | Raha

That Zumba Class | TCB

Nagwa's taste experts

Dabdoob is not a game | Dabdoob

A new day | Mobily

How it starts | Kitco

AJM 2020

One table | Nagwa

Your mother's tongue | Nagwa

Bonjour | KITCO

Who is Bu Salem? | AlMunayes Tea

Defying the odds | Abdul Wahab Al-Babtain

The Hardest Question | Hardees